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Custom tiered reward icon or sticky cart icon doesn't work

If when trying to add an image, it's not showing, that means that the image location is not found.
It can happen if the URL is incorrectly written.

When using a tool that requires an image URL, it’s essential to make sure the link you provide points directly to an image file (e.g., .png, .jpg, .gif, etc.).
Here’s a simple guide:

**Step 1: Look at the URL**

A valid image URL should end with a file extension like .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, or .webp.

**Step 2: Open the URL in a Browser**

Copy the URL.
Paste it into your browser's address bar and hit Enter.

If the link is valid, the browser will display the image directly.
If the link is invalid, you might see an error page or a regular webpage.

**What if You Don’t Have a Valid Image URL?**

If you don’t have a URL for your image, you can upload it to an image hosting service to get one.

Recommended Free Hosting Services:


Go to one of these sites.
Upload your image.
Copy the direct link provided by the platform. It will usually end with the file extension.

By following these steps, you’ll ensure your URL correctly points to an image file, making it compatible with SlideCarty!

invalid image

Updated on: 15/12/2024

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