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How to configure upsells / cross-sells

First, access the "Upsells & Cross-sells page" from the left menu on SlideCarty.

We have three ways to recommend items in SlideCarty :
One click upsells
Permanent upsells
Automatic recommendations

One click upsell

See I want to automatically add an insurance to the cart

Permanent upsells

A permanent upsells is called "upsells" and will always be shown, except if they already are in the cart.

Enable the module by clicking on the checkbox
Click on "add upsells"
Select the items you want to promote


The cross-sell is proposed over permanent upsells if a specific article is in the cart.

For example : for a beauty product, you can offer a moisturizer.
Enable the module by clicking on the checkbox
Then click, add cross-sell
On the first button "if any of the products below are in the cart" add the beauty product
On the second button "offer the following products" add your moisturizer.

You can add many cross-sells as you want.

Automatic recommendations

Activate the automatic recommendations from the other settings module "offer similar products".
It will show similar products than those in the cart automatically.

Updated on: 15/12/2024

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